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Move four finally gets to the genetics side of athletes. Plus, to see a good comparison between genetics and hard work, check out the page on Stefan Holm's and Donald Thomas.

In move three, I talk about kids sports injuries. Many kids get injured every year which results in set backs in training. So, how much should they really be training?

As long as you get 10,000 hours of practice you will become successful even if you were not born with athletic talent. Check out move one for more information.

The Capstone Project

For the Capstone Project, I originally read the book, The Sports Geneby David Epstein. This gave me the information I needed to start research on the genetics of elite athletes. About half of the information I used for this project cam from The Sports Gene. I was able to use the book for all the information I needed on Genetics.


I also read some of Malcolm Gladwell's book, OuliersThis gave me all the information I needed for the 10,000 hour rule and introduced me to the Matthew Effect. 

Elite Athletes

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